Download our white papers to get industry insight and actionable checklists for your work in public purchasing.

7 Hidden Costs of Public Purchasing
Effective and efficient public purchasing comes with its inherent costs, so it’s important to avoid the preventable ones when possible. That’s where a good vendor management platform comes in, allowing you to control your purchasing processes and data online, and ultimately reduce or even eliminate these hidden costs. To avoid these hidden expenses consider partnering with a vendor management system.

5 Vendor Management Challenges Faced by Purchasing Professionals
As a purchasing professional, you’re no stranger to the challenges that come with managing vendors online, like working with outdated or missing vendor information; chasing down paperwork from vendors; finding local or specialized vendors; complications in reporting on small business and minority vendors; and working with few bidders and higher costs. Want to eliminate these challenges and move your organization to realize operational improvements? Software-as-a-Service facilitates just that.

How Finance Benefits from Online Vendor Management
In the world of Finance, purchasing is one of the easiest and more immediate ways to help your organization be more efficient. In fact, implementing an online vendor management system will save both hard and soft costs while reducing risk for your organization. Like the idea of saving money and gaining efficiency? Partner with an online vendor management system.

Innovative Models for Purchasing Public Sector Software
As a public purchasing professional you’ve likely become accustomed to doing more with less, while expectations in both procurement visibility and efficiency continue to grow. The challenges you’re likely facing run the gamut from limited to non-existent budgets to justifying the expense of sporadically-needed applications, to name a few. This is where innovative pricing models save the public purchasing professional’s day.

Vendor Management Solutions Checklist
When evaluating vendor management systems, many attributes and characteristics should be considered. You can use this checklist to ensure you choose the most effective and efficient vendor management solution for your agency.